The Superbolt blend was specifically made for mountaineering legend Ed Viesturs. Ed was on the hunt for a beverage that would give him a sustained level of energy, without upsetting his stomach or giving him a crash. After years of experimenting SUPERBOLT was born. A core blend of tea with added adaptogens and superfoods to keep Ed focused and energized with additonal immune support. Ed Viesturs is still the only American to conquer all 8000M+ peaks without additonal oxygen.
Superbolt is a collective of like-minded creative individuals that stand for all things athletics, health and design. I started this company because I saw a lack of innovation in the tea industry. There are so many benefits in tea around performance that you cannot find in any other products including coffee and various energy drinks. My vision is to provide athletes and creatives a long-lasting, sustainable source of energy and blends to aid in recovery that they can consume before or after a workout, at the office, on the track and anything in between. There is no reason why world class athletes should be promoting a product that they don’t consume themselves. Our goal is to strive towards a world free of sugar and non-sustainable ingredients and to create a performance beverage that is good for you.
To reduce our impact on the environment, Superbolt Performance Tea has been certified by CCOF. We proudly support local businesses to produce most of our packaging and we use 100% biodegradeable tea bags. We are also proud members of 1% For The Planet.
Unite & Conquer,
- Elliott Graham
Founder, Superbolt Tea